During the smoothing stage, the noisy track positions of type PoseTrack
are smoothed using the Rauch-Tung-Striebal (RTS) smoother. The output is a trajectory of type Trajectory
Trajectory class#
- class mona.smoothing.smoothing.Trajectory#
Vehicle trajectory representation as a time-discrete sequence of states.
- traj_points: recarray#
- length: float#
- width: float#
- traj_id: int#
- vehicle_type: DetectionLabel = 2#
- columns: ClassVar[List[str]] = ['frame_id', 'agent_type', 'x', 'y', 'v', 'psi_rad', 'yaw_rate', 'length', 'width', 'timestamp_sec']#
- classmethod create_trajectory(track, x, y, speed, theta, timestamp, yaw_rate)#
Create a trajectory from separate state component arrays.
- Parameters:
track (PoseTrack) –
x (ndarray) –
y (ndarray) –
speed (ndarray) –
theta (ndarray) –
timestamp (ndarray) –
yaw_rate (ndarray) –
- Return type:
- differentiate()#
Calculate and store velocity and orientation by finite differences.
- Return type:
- property dataframe: DataFrame#
Return vehicle trajectory as a pandas dataframe.
- property start_time_step: int#
Return the start time step of the trajectory.
- __init__(traj_points, length, width, traj_id,
- Parameters:
traj_points (recarray) –
length (float) –
width (float) –
traj_id (int) –
vehicle_type (DetectionLabel) –
- Return type:
The BaseSmoother
defines the above mentioned input and output of the smoothing stage.
- class mona.smoothing.smoothing.BaseSmoother#
Base smoother class that processes pose track.
- __init__(dt, num_init_states, debug=False, output_dir='/tmp/')#
Initialize BaseSmoother class.
- Parameters:
dt (float) – time increment of input data
num_init_states (int) – number of states the track must have to not be dropped
debug (bool) – flag that will trigger debug plots
output_dir (str) – output directory for debug plots
- abstract smooth(track)#
Smooth respective track and return the smoothed trajectory.
- Parameters:
track (PoseTrack) – Track to be smoothed
- Return type:
- process_all_tracks(pose_tracks)#
Smooth all tracks.
- Parameters:
pose_tracks (List[PoseTrack]) – List of tracks to be smoothed
- Return type:
The ModelBasedRtsSmoother
is a Model-based Rauch-Tung-Striebal (RTS) smoother, which extends BaseSmoother class and will process and smooth all
pose tracks.
- class mona.smoothing.smoothing.ModelBasedRtsSmoother#
Model-based Rauch-Tung-Striebal (RTS) Smoother.
Extends BaseSmoother class.
- __init__(dt, num_init_states, config, orientation_estimator, debug=False, output_dir='/tmp/smoother')#
Initialize ModelBasedRtsSmoother class.
- Parameters:
dt (float) – time increment of input data
num_init_states (int) – number of states the track must have to not be dropped
debug (bool) – flag that will trigger debug plots
output_dir (str) – output directory for debug plots
config (DictConfig) –
orientation_estimator (MapOrientationEstimator) –
- create_and_initialize_filter(track)#
Create a filter object and initialize it.
- Parameters:
track (PoseTrack) – Track to be smoothed
- Return type:
- smooth(track)#
Smooth respective track and return the smoothed trajectory.
- Parameters:
track (PoseTrack) – Track to be smoothed
- Return type:
requires an underlying filter implementation, which is defined by BaseFilter
.. autoclass:: mona.smoothing.smoothing.BaseFilter
There exist two types of filter implementations, which the user can choose from:
: an Extended Kalman Filter with a nonlinear model with constant velocity and constant yaw rateEKFPointMass
: a Kalman Filter with a point mass model with acceleration in x and y direction as inputs to the model
Additional filter implementations can easily be added by deriving from BaseFilter
For an overview to smoothing, check out Chapter 7 of (Särkkä, 2013):
Särkkä, S. (2013). Bayesian filtering and smoothing (No. 3). Cambridge University Press.

UML Diagram of the most important classes of the smoothing package.#
The state
The measurement is the center position
- class mona.smoothing.ekf_const_velocity_const_yawrate.EKFConstVelocityConstYawrate#
Extended Kalman Filter class for constant yaw rate model.
State = [x,y,v,psi,omega] and measurement = [x_center,y_center]
- __init__(dt, cov_measuring, var_process_acc=0.01, var_process_omega=0.01, l_r=1.5, **kwargs)#
Initialize EKFConstVelocityConstYawrate class.
- Parameters:
dt (float) – time increment of input data
sigma_pos_x – standard deviation of measurement x position
sigma_pos_y – standard deviation of measurement y position
tau_v – process noise variance for velocity
tau_psi – process noise variance for yaw angle
tau_omega – process noise variance for yaw rate
l_r (float) – distance from the vehicle’s center to its rear axis
cov_measuring (ndarray) –
var_process_acc (float) –
var_process_omega (float) –
- init_x(pos_x, pos_y, theta, vel)#
Set initial state of filter.
- Parameters:
pos_x (float) – initial x coordinate of center position
pos_y (float) – initial y coordinate of center position
theta (float) – initial orientation
vel (float) – initial velocity
- Return type:
- calculate_F_jacobian_at(x)#
Calculate Jacobian F = df/dx of discrete state transition function f.
x[k+1] = f(x[k])
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type:
- calculate_H_jacobian_at(x)#
Return Jacobian dh/dx.
(measurement function) where h = [x_rear + l_r * cos(psi), y_rear + l_r * sin(psi)]
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type:
- calculate_hx(x)#
Map state variable (rear axis) to corresponding measurement z (center).
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type:
- calculate_H_jacobian_pseudo(x)#
Calculate the Jacobian of the measurement matrix for a pseudo measurement.
The pseudo measurement is defined as [velocity, yaw rate]
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – State vector
- Returns:
Jacobian matrix with shape [2, 5]
- Return type:
- calculate_hx_pseudo(x)#
Project state x into the pseudo measurement space.
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – State vector
- Returns:
Projected state vector [velocity, yaw rate]
- Return type:
- update_pseudo_measurement(v_pseudo=0.0, yaw_rate_pseudo=0.0)#
Perform a pseudo measurement update to attenuate yaw noise.
- Parameters:
v_pseudo (float) – Velocity of the pseudo measurement
yaw_rate_pseudo (float) – Yaw rate of the pseudo measurement
- Return type:
- propagate_x(x)#
Predict the next state of X.
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type:
The state
The measurement is the center position
- class mona.smoothing.ekf_point_mass.EKFPointMass#
Extended Kalman Filter class for Point Mass Model.
state = [x,y,vx,vy] and measurement = [x_center,y_center]
- __init__(dt, var_meas_pos_x=0.5, var_meas_pos_y=0.5, var_process_v=0.1, **kwargs)#
Initializes EKFPointMass class.
- Parameters:
dt – time increment of input data
sigma_pos_x – standard deviation of measurement x position
sigma_pos_y – standard deviation of measurement y position
tau_vx – process noise variance for x velocity
tau_vy – process noise variance y velocity
- init_x(pos_x, pos_y, theta, vel)#
Set’s initial state of filter.
- Parameters:
pos_x (float) – initial x coordinate of center position
pos_y (float) – initial y coordinate of center position
theta (float) – initial orientation
vel (float) – initial velocity
- Return type:
- calculate_F_jacobian_at(x)#
Calculates Jacobian F = df/dx of discrete state transition function f.
x[k+1] = f(x[k])
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type:
- calculate_H_jacobian_at(x)#
Returns Jacobian dh/dx of the h matrix.
measurement function h = [x, y].
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type:
- calculate_hx(x)#
Maps state variable to corresponding measurement z.
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type:
- propagate_x(x)#
Predicts the next state of X.
- Parameters:
x (ndarray) – state vector
- Return type: